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Years ago, the image of Chile abroad was dominated by wines, copper and politics and sometimes by football and poetry. Today, the image of Chile that we want to show to the world is based on diversity, tradition, progress and reliability.


Our country is the leader of the region in terms of capturing, conserving and developing human talent, making us a door to development. The economic and political stability of Chile in recent decades has made it an attractive and dynamic business environment for foreign investors. Its commercial opening and growth projections ensure that the country will continue to improve on these indicators.


National agencies such as Fundación Imagen Chile, InvestChile, ChileServicios and CORFO, among others, promote and maintain policies that have contributed to the good positioning of our country. As a Chamber of Commerce with a specific focus in Southeast Asia, we believe it is part of our duty to ensure that this good image permeates the ASEAN countries, establishing and fostering the conviction that Chile is a great strategic partner for the region in a multitude of industries. Mining, food, services, energy and tourism are highlighted by Invest Chile, all of which may be of interest to potential partners in Southeast Asia. In addition, new bilateral business opportunities, based on technology and innovation, continue to emerge day by day.


We want that, when thinking about doing business, ASEAN decides to look first at us.


17.5 million



277.1 billion


GDP Growth rate:


(2018 forecast)

General Information


Main languages:

Castellano/Spanish (official)





Key cities: 

Concepción, Valparaíso, La Serena, Temuco, Antofagasta, Iquique



Chilean Peso (CLP)


Main religions: 

Roman Catholic, Protestant christian

Economic Composition


Chile is a HIGH income 

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